+just thinking of you...


I cry myself to sleep
Every single night
Hoping I'll dream of you
In a different light
I wish you'd be mine
If only for a day
But it just a dream
You don't think of me
That way
If only you knew
How I felt inside
Then my feelings could flow
Not stay in and hide
I love you so dearly
I really know it's true
But when will come the day
The same feelings come from you?
I know it's a wish
So I'll push it away
But now that I've tried
My love still lasts today

i'm BacK!! Pa dh JaDii??!

dh lame xpost blog ni..
acik bz memanjang..
akn ku guna segala tenaga jari ku
untuk menaip keyboard ni
sepuas2 yg mgkin..hahaha

nk di pendek kn cter..
time cuti sem yg dolu2 tuu.
cm2 hal jd kt ak taw..
walau pa pn..
ak syukur sgt2 cz umo ak
stil dipanjang kn lg..

yg sobonar yg terjadi time cuti br2 ni..
ak xcident dgn edi,adk ak..
time nk g antar ak pi keje
mmg dahsyat...
adk ak laggar buntut keta waja
smpai hancur ekzos keta tuu..huhu
moto adk ak lak..
confirm laa hancus2..

ktrg just cedera ringan jer..
tgn adk ak berdarah teruk..
kaki ak lak lebam dua2 belah..
walaupn ak jalan terhincut2..
tp ak still gak jln pi keje
coz bnda ni belaku tul2 dpn
hotel istana tmpat ak keje tuu..
nasib baik tudung still maintain
stil nmpak ayu lg..hahahahaha